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Aaron Bornstein

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Sadly I have very few pictures from those years, but I do have many, many fond memories of Boris. One that comes to mind most clearly is Halloween 2000 in the Castro. It was back in the times when hundreds of thousands of people would crowd the street, and a bunch of us Centrata people got together to experience this unique San Francisco tradition. As I recall it, David, Matt K, Alex and I met up with Boris at his big, empty apartment - I think it was in North Beach. I was amused by how little furniture he had, and impressed by the fact that the floorspace was taken up by these incredible, well-made, highly ornate costumes. It turned out that Boris had effectively gone thrift shopping at the SF Opera. I knew Boris was a bit eccentric, but I think this was the first time I appreciated how much he devoted himself to the whimsical. I think it was at this point that I decided I would always want to be his friend.

I'm nowhere near as adventurous as he, so I think he ended up loaning me a cowboy hat, but for himself he had Aelita, Queen of Mars. Words could never do this outfit justice. It was perfect for the evening, a hit even in the crowd of exhibitionists that gathered for Halloween in those days. So many people stopped us to take pictures with Boris or to guess what he was dressed as, that I started offering prizes - $100 if anyone guessed correctly, and $1 for any entertaining guesses. No one got the top prize, of course, and I can't say that I remember what the entertaining guesses were, but I do recall giving out a few bucks. What is absolutely certain is that Boris made a lot of people happy that night, as I would soon learn is his usual way.

Best of luck with everything!

~ Aaron

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