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Kasey and Jeff

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Hi Cris - we just sent you google doc with too many pics and VERY SHORT stories - hopefully some of them make the cut? Happy big one to Boris!, Jeff

Boris! So many memories together just a tiny sample here to remind you as you look out towards your second 50! Semi-chronologically, each was a day long adventure on its own (the best way) and we only managed to capture a snip in time:

Pirosmani 2010 - grand feasts and the requisite Saperavi, only a Q train away

Braving the winter vortex en route to Frick Museum 2010

Jan 2014 - when you packed a bunch of us into a commuter train to jersey city - nary a whisper of the destination, on only the promise that it will be ‘worth the trip’ (and it most certainly was) - perusing the open studios at MANA contemporary, followed by some very important food

July 2016 - just another NB adventure through a thousand stops with celebrations of friendship and life in the evening - ‘popup NB afterparty’

Sept 2018 - at the ‘Museum of Interesting Things’ - Thanks to Cris arrangements -- a fantastical adventure through a fantastical collection of antique communication, photographic, musical and optical contraptions - I think they even had a USSR era ‘bone record’ for us to inspect

Oct 2019

The downtown stroll during which Oscar was ‘carried away’ with an unwieldy collection of balloons

Oct 2019

That time we all had our ‘aura pics’ taken with a contraption like this at a gem shop and only half-jokingly looked into acquiring copy of said device for giggles (strangely overpriced $10k polaroid camera + finger tip contact ohmmeter triggering colorful double exposure)

Also Oct 2019 in Katterskill falls, moments before you entrusted Oscar to us to traipse barefoot down a near-frozen river (all parties escape unscathed by frostbite or other ailments, as far as I recall)

Jan 2020 - “Machine hallucinations” at Artechouse - when you immersed us in a thousand GAN generated images based on pics of the NYC skyline, followed by ever important cuisine...

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